How to Backup Your Notes and Highlights on Kindle

Kindle is a spectacular and dynamic reading platform and it can organize various tasks, highlights, and notes. If you are under the ecosystem of Kindle, then your notes and highlights will automatically sync to the Kindle Account. While working on Kindle, you can access all your kindle data online by using Kindle ebooks on any system supporting Kindle. 

If you have a Kindle Amazon account, then you can access notes, annotations, and highlights from Amazon. You can find the exported items of Kindle by navigating the “Notes” menu that can be found inside the three-dot pull-down menu. It can be accessed via ebooks that you are reading.

Here is how to access and manage your notes, highlights, and annotations through Kindle Account.

Installing Highlights From Kindle 

  • First of all, you have to navigate to the Notebook page of Kindle
  • Then navigate to the left-hand side panel of the page. You will find listings of all the Kindle ebooks, including highlights and notes.
  • Then, hit any of the available books to find synced notes and highlights.

Note: You can hit the pull drop menu tab to make a fresh note for your highlights.

In case you wish to perform copy-paste or refer to a particular note, then you can do so from the same page.

You can use a free version of the “Bookcision bookmarklet” for downloading the particular copy of the highlights. To do so, abide by these instructions:

  • First and foremost, you have to launch the “Bookcision page” from any of your desired browser like “Firefox” and “Chrome.”
  • After that, tap and hold the particular tab reads “Drag to the Bookmark bar.
  • Then you have to tug it to the section of the bookmarks bar located just beneath the particular URL. 
  • Alternatively, you can also tap Shift + Cmd + B keys for Mac and Shift + Control + B while working on Windows from your keyboard in case you are unable to view the particular bookmark bar.
  • After all these steps, you have to hit the book located inside the “Kindle Notebook page.”
  • Then, tap on the “Bookcision” bookmark option.
  • After some time, you will get the list of all the notes and highlights of your Kindle Book. You will also get the options tab, “Copy to Clipboard.” If you wish to make a quick copy of the notes and highlights, then hit it.
  • If you wish to install all the notes and highlights in a normal text, then you have to tap the pull-down menu located just after the option “Download” and then hit “As Plain Text” option.
  • Wait for a while; you will see that your notes and highlights get converted to normal text.
  • Once you launch your downloaded file, then you will get the highlights in the proper sequence with page numbers.

Note: Amazon Kindle plays a magnificent role in reading ebooks as we are living in a modern world. People are moving towards digital works and thus they feel the need of online learning platform that holds features like Amazon Kindle.

Billy Sparks is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

Published by marconixon

Hello, I’m Marco. I am working as an IT professional and holds a very good experience in the same field.

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